Nokia’s IBM Lotus Traveler Official Page and a list of Nokia Smartphones supported (January 2011)
Albert Buendia - 17/01/2011

Here are some useful resources like a complete list of Nokia Smartphones supported - updated January 2011 -. I can see Nokia E5, E73, C5, C7, X5 and X6. And if you read the Spanish Nokia E7 specs, I can also read the Nokia E7 as an IBM Lotus Traveler supported smartphone.

Nokia E7 is an IBM Lotus Traveler smartphone

Nokia's Lotus Traveler Home Page

Nokia Smartphones supporting IBM Lotus Notes Traveler client versions 8.5, 8.5.1 and 8.5.2

Nokia E7 is a recent new smartphone. See the note below this article regarding the Lotus Traveler compatibility.

IBM Lotus Traveler DataSheet January 2011

IBM Lotus Traveler for Nokia Q&A

FAQ about Nokia and Lotus Traveler.

How to install Nokia Security Library

In order for your Nokia device to support security policies and the remote wipe feature, you must first install the security enablement library that is available on the Nokia-Traveler security page.

Nokia E7 is a Lotus Traveler Smartphone supported

It seems the Spanish Nokia site has more recent updates than the English one.

IBM Lotus Traveler is IBM Lotus Traveler for all languages.

Nokia at Lotusphere

Setup you Lotus Notes messaging without Traveler

Nokia at Lotusphere
Salvador Jose
28/01/2011 11:20:47

Alguno se llevará uno completamente GRATIS !!

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Nokia’s IBM Lotus Traveler Official Page and a list of Nokia Smartphones supported (January 2011)