I need help. How do I delete the log of servers whose Domino agents run?
Albert Buendia - 15/01/2009
Hi. I want to donate a free template to the Lotus community. But for security reasons, I want to delete the log of servers whose Domino agents ran. I'm not a programmer so I need help. I signed the new template (ntf), open the views with ctrl+shift with no results. Please help me.

Hola amigos. Quiero publicar la plantilla de correo de más abajo. Tiene funciones interesantes y a los usuarios de Notes les gusta mucho. Además indica si un correo ha solicitado acuse de recibo y tiene la posibilidad de eliminar el acuse, je je. La cuestión es que necesito eliminar el rastro de los servidores Domino sobre los cuales ha sido instalada. Si no, no la puedo publicar. ¿Alguna ayuda? ¡¡ Gracias !!

Image:I need help. How do I delete the log of servers whose Domino agents run?

Image:I need help. How do I delete the log of servers whose Domino agents run?

This is the mail template for Domino 7 Spanish users. I have not validated than runs well with Domino 6 servers.

Image:I need help. How do I delete the log of servers whose Domino agents run?

Image:I need help. How do I delete the log of servers whose Domino agents run?

Esta plantilla es ideal para funcionar también con ordenador portátil y para trabajar desconectado. Si tienes el Catálogo de Directorios configurado puedes llevarte el directorio de la empresa condensado y replicado en el portátil. Así trabajas sin conexión a Internet. Los correos se acumulan en la Vista Outbox y cuando detecta Internet se conecta al servidor Domino y transifere los correos automáticamente. También es ideal para ubicaciones que tengan problemas de comunicaciones o mala conectividad. La razón para utilizar Inbox y Outbox en vez de Bandeja de entrada y Bandeja de salida es para que no se oculte el contador de mensajes nuevos en el marco. Como comentaba, el diseño está cuidadosamente estudiado para que no "baile" la barra de acciones (botones) ni haya que mover los marcos. Si me ayudas con la solución pongo la plantilla para descargar. Gracias.
Albert Buendia
15/01/2009 15:37:15

Very cool, Kevin. I look forward to learning a lot more about Lotus Gurus in the next months, :).

Kevin Pettitt
15/01/2009 14:00:33

Albert, there may be other things you want to do to "clean" your template before posting, but this is not one of them. That "Run on" server list represents all the server's you would normally see in the list when opening an application (Ctrl-O). If you sent it to me and I looked there, I would see my servers listed, not yours.

Is your template going to have elements signed by "Lotus Notes Template Development"? If so, you probably want to just re-sign your custom elements, but to really "clean" them, and eliminate older records of who had saved them ($UpdatedBy field), I recommend borrowing from my SuperNTF template (www.superntf.org).

SuperNTF has a special "design element" view (discussed here { Link } along with other related elements), that you can add to your template and make it easy to do this cleanup. Simply select your custom elements (easily done by click sorting on the "Last Modified By" column), then click "Clean/Sign Selected" in the Action bar.

Thanks for contributing to the community :-)

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I need help. How do I delete the log of servers whose Domino agents run?