Discovering the bad networking connectivity using IBM Notes workstations
Albert Buendia - 08/08/2013

A bad networking connectivity is one of the worsts headaches that an admin can have. If the problem is not in the software and the problem it's in the hardware (bad cables, not so good firmware for you network card, poor network performance, etc..) you have to discover where the hell is the bug.

I remember years ago the problematic 3Com networking cards. There were a lot of issues when starting the workstations and negotiating the half / full duplex 10/100 scenario with the switch. The very good tool to suspect there was a problem with the networking parameters was a fluke tool.a Lotus Notes workstation. Users complaint about speed when opening mails with attachments. Then, you know that there was a mismatch issue with the PC and switch networking parameters. But that was in the past. Now, we have better network cards and better switches. But not all is perfect. So, if you have a mix of Gigabith (1000 Mbps) and Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps) switches you can mesure your poor performance networking workstations seeing the latency parameter in your IBM Domino Windows 2008 server or better.

Lotus Notes latency

and then select the network tab.

Lotus Notes latency

Enjoy discovering your faulty connectivity issues. Good hunting.
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Discovering the bad networking connectivity using IBM Notes workstations