el comando Compact -ODS se puede ejecutar en la version 9.0.1?
Sorry about the perhaps stilted Spanish, had to use Google translate to provide the Spanish comment...
Gracias Lars, buen consejo.
Thank Lars, good advice.
and don't forget to update your Lotus Notes clients Notes.ini with:
run ncompact -ODS -* in the client as well
(because the update notes.ini var (NSF_UpdateODS=1) doesn't convert the templates, and if you are serious about performance, EVERY db needs to be using the latest ODS)
Si señor, excelente.
Por favor, use compacto con ODS - *. De esta manera, las plantillas y Mail.box se actualizará también. Traído Actualizar diseño de 2 minutos más cerca de volver a la instantánea en nuestros servidores.
Please use compact -ODS with -*. That way, templates and Mail.box will be updated too. Brought Design Refresh from 2 minutes plus back to near instantaneous on our servers.
Thank you very much.
I updated the document with your information.
King regards
el argumento -* parece que no funciona en windows, una pena