IBM’s First Lotus Notes Apps for iPhone, Android Platforms
Martín Ortega Novella - 20/01/2010

IBM Jan. 18 unveiled the first applications for Apple's iPhone and Google's Android platforms at Lotusphere 2010. Lotus Notes Traveler Companion is a free plug-in that lets iPhone users read their encrypted Lotus Notes e-mail. IBM later this year will also begin offering a Lotus Notes Traveler client for Android, beginning with Google's Nexus One device. Also, RIM said it would sell BlackBerry Client for IBM Lotus Quickr and a new version of the BlackBerry Client for IBM Lotus Connections. RIM also said it was licensing Connections for use among its thousands of employees.

La verdad es que no he visto nada en Planet Lotus (???).

Me he enterado por un mensaje de twitter de un colega de iSeries, mi amigo
Alex Martinez.
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IBM’s First Lotus Notes Apps for iPhone, Android Platforms